Friday, February 20, 2009

Fitness and exercise

Fitness is being able to handle the daily stress of life and symbol of good physical or mental health. Our ability to provide the body with nutritious foods that we continue to thrive in our daily life is a part of overall fitness and health. Fitness is the capacity of body parts to function properly or to carry day's activities without fatigue. Regular exercise, proper diet, proper rest is required to maintain physical fitness. Our daily activity is basis of fitness and health. Regular walking is main fundamental of body fitness. People who walk regular have lower chances of heart diseases, cancer, diabetes etc. walking increase the capacity of heart and lungs and maintain cardiovascular fitness. You should keep our body weight in control through the physical exercise. Walking reduces depression and keeps the brain young. Avoid the eating of fried foods, bur gars and diary products like cheese, cream, milk etc should be eaten in low fat. Butter, sauce, sandwich, jams etc are eaten in limited mounts.

Fitness symbolizes the condition of good physical, mental or spiritual health and all these processes are functioning at the peak levels. We should take proper attention about the physical needs of each part of the body to maintain fitness of the whole. Physical body is more complex powerful than any machine that we have on the market. It continuous to operate even without the daily requirements being met for several days. We should care of our body as the temples because they house our mind and soul. If the body is fit then it does its job tremendously well. Fitness comes through concentrated efforts and devotion to our each part of body. Fitness of our soul affects the all other parts of the body.

There are many benefits of good health and fitness. If we are fit then we will not tire easily and we will be able to do more things and faster. Everyone should keep yourself fit because by doing this you can save money on your medical expenses from diseases that affect unhealthy people. When you stay fit and overall fit, risk of deadly diseases like high blood pressure, heart attacks and other cardiovascular problems is reduced significantly. By doing daily exercise and walking, our confidence and body posture improve since strong muscular body parts hold up our skeletal structure. Everybody should lead a healthy eating habits and healthy lifestyle. You should avoid alcohol, saturated fat, quit smoking, take vitamins and drink plenty of water. We should do cardio activities and lift weight to build a defined body.

Fitness of the body occurs when the physical and mental body process are functioning at the high level. Body fitness is able to deal with daily stress of life, maintain by proper diet, exercise and habits. Nutrition refers to the nurturing our body and t6o provide body with all necessary food, vitamins, minerals to regulate overall fitness. Human body repairs itself and performs more efficiently with proper conditioning that is achieved through regular exercise. With proper exercise our bone, rebuild and repair themselves as they should. Without exercise they tend to become thin and cause osteoporosis. When it comes to our health and fitness, we need aerobic exercise for strength and endurance, walking which keeps your heart, lungs in good working order and strength your muscles.

There are no guarantees in life, but if you wish to prolong the life and delay the death then the regular exercise will help. A peak level of fitness is important because it contributes the quality of life. Lack of physical movement cause disuse atrophy in which body begins to deteriorate because of non use. People are performing various activities to enhance the physical appearance and psychological state of well being. Clinics of all sorts physical therapeutics, athlete trainers are prescribing the fitness as remedy for obesity, muscular weakness, insomnia, immune system disfunctioning, hypertension, metabolic disorders, poor circulation and many others. So With all enthusiasm that surrounds us ,I can honestly say that Fitness is for everyone.

Fitness centers and gyms across the country open each day to provide a better chance of health, provide an opportunity to work towards overall wellness and fit body. Music, aromas or breathing therapies are all ways to reflect on our day, offer our mind to rest and keep us mentally fit. The role of the play and exercise in a young child's life is exhausting the mind and body. We must participate in organized sports and coordinated play times which influence our mind and body or dominate our time. A physical fitness that many people will die for but now it is the time when people will admire your attractive body. Aerobic exercise improves your oxygen consumption and aerobic fitness has been reducing brain cells loss in elderly subjects.

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